MI6 walks you through the "Everything or Nothing"
demo missions...
"Everything or Nothing" Demo Walkthrough
23rd November 2003
A two level demo of "Everything or Nothing" is now
available on the December issue of the "Official
Playstation 2 Magazine" in the UK. The
first mission sees Bond rappelling down the front of a burning
Nanotech facility (also available on the September
issue of PS2
Magazine in Australia), and the second mission has Bond riding
his new Triumph Daytona 600 along the Pontchartrain bridge towards
New Orleans chasing Jaws' tanker.
MI6 walks you through how to survive the demo missions -
which have been set on 00-difficulty.
Nanotech Facility
The first challenge you face is rappelling down the front of
the building without losing much health. The easiest way to do
this is to make two big leaps straight down, and then head diagonally
left. As soon as you reach the floor, run left to take cover
from the falling debris.
M: "That qualifies as excessive force 007!"
Bond: "Sometimes it's better to be safe, than sorry M. I'll try
to be more judicious next time"
M: "Rappel off that
ledge and find Dr. Nadanova"
Bond: "One last explosive should do it"
M: "You will push me too far one day, 007"
Select the Q-Rappel and press the (SELECT) button - this will display the manual
aim cross-hair. Move the target up to the top edge of the small building
on the left-hand side and a large red "hot area" target will be
displayed. Shoot and hold the Q-Rappel until it is connected, then release
shoot and run towards the wall. As Bond hits the wall, keeping holding "up",
and he will begin climbing up the wire to a secret area overlooking the main
platform. From here you will find a sniper rifle that you can use to pick
off the goons before heading back down to the platform and towards the yellow
To your left you will find a couple of useful objects
on the floor - a burnt out security camera, and a piece of
metal pipe. Pick one up and sneak over to the guard at the
station. If you stand behind the guard, Bond will tap him
on the shoulder and say "excuse me" before smacking
the guard with the object and knocking him unconscious. Failing
that, simply attack the guard with your fists until he has
had enough. Do not use a gun as this will alert the rest
of the guards.
Select "crouch" (L2) and slowly sneak your way up to the right-hand
of the archway exit. You will find a control lever. Hit "action" (X)
a cut-scene will show all the steam valves being opened, temporarily blinding
the remaining guards. Disable "crouch" mode and run right towards the
yellow arrow.
What to look forward to in the full game...
The opening-gunbarrel
will be different to the one on the demo (which was
borrowed from "NightFire").
Expect to see Bond walking on with a very different
style background and opening motif.
M's voice will be provided by Dame Judi Dench, rather
than the voice-artist from "NightFire". Dench
only completed her voice-over work in late October,
and it was not available for the demo game.
The automated camera angles have been tuned in the
full game to give you a better view on Bond's world
as well as smoother
more atmospheric lighting.
The "Nanotech Facility" was originally planned
as the opening "teaser" sequence to the game,
but it became too long and complex and the decision
was made to move it after the main credits. |
Trigger Happy
The demo mode is set on 00-difficulty, so each guard can take multiple hits
and the goons' aim is pretty sharp. The trick to taking out the goons is
to aim a single shot at nearby barrels causing explosions which can take
out multiple enemies - this also saves you valuable ammunition. Another tip
is to make use of the "lock target" (L1) button between firing
rounds with (R1). This will ensure you do not fire rounds into dead goons,
and it will keep rotating your aim through multiple targets so the goons
do not have the luxury of taking their time to aim at you. Once the primary
an elevator will open to the right where a few more will attack you from.
If you are running low on health, press (L2) to crouch, wait a few seconds,
then stand up again - this will boost the health bar. Once the goons are
all taken care of, head towards the yellow arrow.
Press "action" (X) next to the pipe with the large
yellow arrow pointing down and Bond will throw down "one
more explosive" in a small cut scene. The building will
start to collapse and a small ledge will crumble, allowing you
to rappel further down the building.
M: "Excellent work"
Bond: "
Thankyou. Shall we, er, charge on? I'll try not to blow things
out of proportion - unless I have to".
Whilst rappelling down, head towards the left-most platform
- continuing to shoot the rappelling goons using the "lock
target" (L1) and "fire" (R1) buttons. A
well placed P99 round has a more damaging effect on the
wild machine gun fire. As soon as you land on the left-most
platform, rappel again off the left hand edge - you will
now be perpendicular to the main building. Head down towards
the next platform, and rappel again of the left-hand edge.
Once you have landed on the third platform, select your
machine gun and turn so your back is to the main building
and rappel of the next ledge.
As soon as you are back on your feet, you have another
choice of how you play as Bond: you can either empty an
angry clip and run towards the guard facing you who is
standing behind a large pipe, or head left and flip another
steam valve on the wall which will blind the guard whilst
you approach and attack. He leaves behind a rocket launcher,
which you need to pick up (X), turn to the right and shoot
the other rocket-launcher goon whilst running backwards
to prevent you getting hit by his rockets. Once he has
been taken care of, hit "action" (X) on the pipe
node to disable the flames. Switch back to your machine
gun and take care of any goons landing on the platform
and head towards the open door. |

or Nothing" Release Dates |
Turn left as soon as you are through the doorway. If you have
saved a rocket, fire one at the end of the room where three goons
are hiding behind boxes. Failing that, use the (L1) and (R1)
buttons in turn to take care of the goons with rapid fire, picking
up any ammo as you progress. Take the first left out of the room
and immediately rappel off the platform (if you linger around,
goons will keep coming and throw grenades down at you from above).
Keep firing at the goons as they stream down towards you. A
blue helipad will be below you. Keep rappelling straight down
to the helipad, where the end of the demo awaits you. Congratulations,
you have just completed the "Nanotech
Facility" demo level on 00-difficulty.
Pontchartrain Bridge
This level demonstrates the Triumph Daytona 600 as Bond must
chase and stop Jaws and his tanker before they get into the New
Orleans city limits. The Pontchartrain Bridge is significantly
shorter in this demo than the level in the full game, and you
will only come up against three pairs of goons on motorcycles.
Driving the bike is simple, hold (X) to accelerate, (SQUARE)
to brake and (CIRCLE) to apply the hand-brake. Pressing and holding
(TRIANGLE) will perform a trick, such as sliding the bike low
on the road. You can perform wheelie's by holding back on the
controller whilst moving at speed, which is also useful for protecting
when goons are in close proximity.
The first obstacle you face is the toll bridge. You can either
jump the bridge by approaching the central tool booth at speed
and using an overturned car as a ramp to smash through the sign,
or heading to the right-hand side and holding (TRIANGLE) as you
approach to slide the bike under the barrier. If you need another
attempt to get through the barrier, you can build up speed before
you start by holding on the hand-brake (CIRCLE) whilst holding
accelerate (X). Once you can smell burning rubber, simply let
go of the hand-brake to get a good kick-start.
What to look forward to in the full game...
The Pontchartrain Bridge in the full game is an
impressive 14km long and features far more enemies,
jumps, intersections and goons toting weapons from
the back of trucks.
In one impressive "Bond move" you can
jump over a section of the bridge being built with
a huge crane and ride against the traffic at 180mph.
The "sci-fi" machine guns seen on the
demo Daytona bike have been replaced with a shot-gun
Bond can reload single-handedly, in a similar
style to "Terminator 2".
Bond starts the level in the mangroves, where you
must first navigate back to the main road whilst
taking out enemies in shacks and goons hiding behind
As well as wheelie's, Bond can perform "Endos" allowing
you to spin the bike 360 degrees on it's front wheel
whilst firing at goons in the style of "Mission:
Impossible 2". |
Missile are the best weapon for taking care
of the goons on bikes from a distance, and if they are in
close proximity you should draw up alongside the bikes and
use the flamethrowers to dispose of them. You can avoid the
first waves of goons by taking a left at the first intersection
and riding the wrong way along the bridge until the tanker
sequence, where you need to cut back across to the right-hand
The easiest was to complete the level is to ride along
the right-hand side hard shoulder. In the final game, this
is a rumble strip that causes havoc with force-feedback
and makes it very difficult to build up speed, but in this
demo you can still achieve the "burn-out" style
blur effect and con-trails when you approach 180mph.
A cut-scene will show Jaws' tanker causing another tanker
to crash and slide along the highway - much in the style
of "Terminator 2". Select the flamethrower weapon.
As you approach the tanker, hold down the (TRIANGLE) button
to slide the bike along the road, firing your flamethrower
(R1) at the goon on the bike, and the tanker as you slide
under it. A huge explosion should dispose of the goon.
The final two goons will now be up ahead, behind Jaws'
tanker. Fire rockets off towards them, carefully avoiding
the civilian cars. Too much damage to civilian vehicles
will fail the mission.
Select the flamethrowers again and approach the side of Jaws'
tanker closest to a hard-shoulder. Speed the bike up alongside
and then keep firing the flamethrower until the red Jaws health
bar gets to 50%. You then need to approach the tanker again from
the other side, and continue to give Jaws the good news with
the Daytona flamethrower. Once the Jaws health meter hits 0%
you have stopped the tanker and the demo will end.
"Everything or Nothing" will hit shelves in late February 2004
for Playstation 2, Gamecube and Xbox.