A letter to James Bond was published for the first, and still to date only time, in 1965 in a promotional tie-in novel for Thunderball...

Thunderball - A Letter From Domino
4th May 2007

To coincide with the movie release of Thunderball in 1965, Pan issued a special edition of the novel by Ian Fleming. The 14th printing of Thunderball in paperback by Pan featured a pull-out promotional item for Players Cigarettes.

It was the first, and to date still the only time, a letter to James Bond was published. The heroine of the adventure, Domino, pens a personal note to Bond after the events of the novel.

In the novel, after having won some money, Bond buys Largo’s “niece”, Domino, dinner. During the course of the meal Domino tells Bond about her first and true love – the sailor on Player’s Navy Cut cigarettes – and the story she had composed around him. This is again mentioned in the letter, to promote the brand. The page reference is a link to the passage where Domino regales her story.

This edition only appeared briefly and, over the years, many of the letters were removed, lost or discarded. Only a few remain in complete and pristine condition, and are much sought after by collectors.

Right: Cover art of the 1965 Pan paperback


Above: The two sides of the letter included in some copies of the 1965 14th edition


I wondered at first whether I should write this letter, but I know you will understand. It hardly seems possible that we could be so far apart after what happened.
Carlo is kind. Of course I love him, and the children make up for everything.
But once in a while I remember... our first drive... our first supper together in the Casino. You ordered Champagne. And I told you about my hero - the sailor on the front of the packet of Players. (I believe you were jealous!)
This Christmas we're coming to London. I know you're terribly busy, but couldn't you just find one spare evening when we could meet and talk and laugh about old times?
Do please say yes. And don't let that horrible old 'M' give you any assignment over the holiday.

I think of you -

P.S. Came across this book in Nassau yesterday. You must read pages 152 - 155.

Above: The original Players "Navy Cut" cigarette logo (top) and packaging (bottom).

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