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Mads Mikkelsen recalls being cast as Le Chiffre

14-Jun-2012 • Casino Royale

The Danish actor who plays the steely cold and ill-fated Le Chiffre in Daniel Craig's Bond debut, "Casino Royale", says that his casting call was a bit of an "anti-climax".

He told the Huffington Post: "I had a meeting first, then a casting, and I was all ready to do the torture scene with Daniel (Craig). And there was so much going on around us, people running in and out, and then someone said 'great having you on board.'

"And I didn't move, and then they said 'go away, I don’t want to see you, you got the job.’

"Daniel was standing next to me and he said really quietly, 'all right - tell me your secret, because I went to five castings - who did you f***?'"

After playing a Bond villain things do change. "The pile of scripts has got a bit bigger, so that can only be a good thing. One of them in the pile might even be good, you never know."

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