This is the world's most visited unofficial James Bond 007 website with daily updates, news & analysis of all things 007 and an extensive encyclopaedia. Tap into Ian Fleming's spy from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig with our expert online coverage and a rich, colour print magazine dedicated to spies.
Webmasters can syndicate MI6 news feeds into their pages simply and quickly. No special server requirements or databases are required. News headlines can be added to any HTML page.
Copy and paste the code from the text field below into your HTML at the point you wish the news headlines to appear. The script can be added anywhere between the <body>
tags of your HTML page.
<script src="">
Syndicated news feeds from MI6 can be tuned to specific categories. If for example you run a Bond games website, you can chose to display only the latest Gaming headlines. Copy and paste the code from the desired text field below into your HTML at the point you wish the news headlines to appear. The script can be added anywhere between the <body>
tags of your HTML page.
Bond 24
<script src=" 24">
<script src="">
Actor News
<script src=" News">
<script src="">
Media Alerts
<script src=" Alert">
General Bond News
<script src=" News">
All of the syndicated content can be formatted to fit the look and feel of your website. Each of the news elements are tagged with CSS font classes. Click here for general CSS coding tutorials. The following classes can be defined in your CSS file to adapt the fonts:
The font class for the main category header. Not applicable for category specific news feeds.
The font class for the news headline date stamp.
The font class for the headline text link.
Contact us if you have any questions.