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'Designing 007' exhibition bound for Melbourne

13-Feb-2013 • Event

It was announced today that 007's roving exhibition of art, costumes, props and more from 50 year of the franchise, will be stopping 'down under'.

Melbourne Museum will play host to "Designing 007 – Fifty Years of Bond", which opened in 2012 at the Barbican, London, starting Noevmber 1st, 2013.

"This exhibition allows a timely appraisal of the distinctive design, craftsmanship and style of the Bond movies," said Museum Victoria CEO Dr Patrick Greene at the press launch of the exhibition on Wednesday. "After all, so many aspects of Bond are timeless."

The travelling exhibit recently finished its time in Toronto, and will head to Shanghai - opening March 28th - before stopping in Melbourne just after Christmas.

For more information and tickets visit MuseumVictoria.com.au.

Thanks to `Peter`, `LiveAndEatPie`, and Jeff for the alerts.

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