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Fresh speculation on official status of `The Miss Moneypenny Diaries` book

01-Aug-2005 • Literary

When MI6 first revealed a new book entitled "The Moneypenny Diaries - The Secret Diaries of Miss Moneypenny" was on the horizon, speculation ran rife as to whether it was an official title from Ian Fleming Publications - the literary rights holders to the James Bond universe.

The book is "edited" by Kate Westbrook and is due to be published in October 2005 by John Murray - part of the Hodder umbrella. Hodder & Stoughton who have been the British hardback publisher of 007 continuation authors since John Gardner's "Scorpius" in 1988.

But fresh intrigue has been brought about with a report in The Observer Review (UK) this week:

"John Murray's big hope for the Autumn, The Moneypenny Diaries by Kate Westbrook, has come to the attention of the heavies of the Ian Fleming estate. Oddjob told The Browser that he takes the protection of intellectual property rights "very seriously". No doubt he will enforce his point by "visiting" fearless Murray MD Roland Phillips with some "suggestions".

Will the book ever see the light of day if it is not officially endorsed? Or is this all a big PR stunt to generate hype? Have your say in the forums...

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