Read the first chapter of Young Bond `Blood Fever` online
The first chapter of the second Young James Bond book by Charlie Higson, "Blood Fever", is now online courtesy of the official US publisher's website.
Click here to read online at
The US release is due on
June 1st from publisher Miramax in a hardback edition.
Capsule Synopsis
File Note: Strictly Confidential - Authorised Personnel Only. Subject: James Bond. Description: Age 13. Dark hair; blue eyes; tall for age; surprisingly strong; fluent French, good German. Essential components: A Mediterranean mystery. One kidnapped girl - feisty, blond, superfit Amy Goodenough, sister of James' best friend Mark. One villainous pirate - Zoltan Magyr. Mysterious Latin-speaking men lurking near Eton. One fast car.
Click here for full coverage of "Blood Fever" on MI6, including exclusive interviews with author Charlie Higson.
Thanks to `James Bond [007]` for the alert
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