Casino Royale given 15A certificate in Ireland
The Irish Film Censor's Office has given the forthcoming James Bond film Casino Royale a 15A classification in Ireland.
The news comes shortly after the
Motion Picture Association of America classified the film a PG-13 in the USA.
No details on the UK classification have been revealed yet by the BBFC.
The Irish 15A certificate is given to films that are considered to be suitable for those of fifteen and upwards. They may also be seen by younger children provided a parent or adult guardian accompanies them.
THEME/CONTENT: Most themes/content will be acceptable with classification normally decided by the way the subject is treated. It is worth noting that our recent nationwide survey research confirms that both parents and adolescents often experience embarassment when they view films featuring more mature themes (eg. sexual activity or nudity) in each other's company.
CONTEXT: Modern adolescents of fifteen and older will generally be aware of, and be able to appreciate, the context of a film.
VIOLENCE: This may be realistic but not gratuitous, prolonged or overly bloody. We take particular account of the way in which sexual violence is portrayed.
DRUGS: Scenes/dialogue relating to drugs may be acceptable in an appropriate context, but not if there is instruction or encouragement as to use.
SEXUAL CONTENT/NUDITY: Mild/moderate sexual activity/nudity is acceptable, particularly when portrayed positively.
Thanks to `darth bork` for the alert.
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