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Snow job - DAD production imported Welsh fake paper flakes

13-Jan-2002 • Die Another Day

ICWales are reporting that the production crew of "Die Another Day" imported fake snow and it was made from - paper.

Paper recycling firm Excel Industries situated in the Ebbw Vale supplied the film and is the market leader in the manufacture of fake snow for movie and TV productions.

Unlike real snow, Excel can guarantee production, so film companies do not have to wait until winter to get their snowy backdrop. And pampered movie stars do not have to get cold and wet.

Nick Thompson, Excel`s managing director, said, "The fake snow part of our business has been in operation now for 10 years. We source waste white paper and then grind it down into different sized particles, some large, some small.

"You need three different sizes of particle to make the snow as realistic as possible optically through a film camera. We bag up the snow in 12kg sacks which we sell to a specialist company in Stroud called Snow-business which in turn supplies the film companies."

How does he feel when he sees his snow on the big screen? "It is quite pleasing, and I always make a point of telling my children!"

Thanks to Rumpole for the alert.

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