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Join Cinema Retro's Movie Magic Tour of British Film Locations this April

07-Mar-2010 • Event

Join Cinema Retro's Movie Magic Tour of British Film Locations, April 23-May 1 2010

Press Release
Dave Worrall and Lee Pfeiffer, Cinema Retro magazine publishers and co-authors of the best-selling book The Essential James Bond, have launched the Movie Magic Tour of British film locations. The tour starts in London on April 23 and concludes on May 1. Highlights will appeal to all classic film lovers:

- Exclusive tour of legendary Pinewood Studios, home to many James Bond productions
- Gourmet dinner at Stoke Park, the exclusive country club where the golf game from Goldfinger was filmed.
- Stay the night at the 15th century manor house where the 1963 classic The Haunting was filmed
- Visit the famed Village where Patrick McGoohan filmed The Prisoner TV series
- Attend a special screening of How the West Was Won in original three-panel Cinerema
- Attend the London Fan Fest convention featuring 24 stars of James Bond and sci-fi movies
- Attend Cinema Retro's lifetime achievement award presentation to Sir Christopher Lee
- Visit the James Bond and Cars of the Stars Museums
... much more plus surprise guests

Only $1995 per person (double occupancy, includes all lodging and most meals/ air fare not included) Only a limited number of places left! For full details click here.

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