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BondStars.com host private signing with Jesper Christensen

21-Mar-2010 • Collecting

For those that cannot make Fan Festival 2010, BondStars are holding a private signing with Jesper Christensen (Mr White in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace) on the 24th April 2010.

The cost per signed item is £30.00, this includes worldwide postage and packing.

Jesper will happily dedicate a still if required (please keep the dedication short e.g To John, Best Wishes etc), instructions are given in the Paypal payment section below. Bondstars.com \ Mr Christensen have the right to edit dedications if felt necessary.

Fans can choose from a range of 10" x 8" stills to be signed.

Orders can be taken via the BondStars.com website and paid for online or via cheque.

Thanks to `Andy` for the alert.

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