Javier Bardem 'confirmed' for Bond 23 villain role by German movie sites
According to several German movie news websites, Spanish actor Javier Bardem has been 'confirmed' as playing a villain in the 23rd James Bond film. All German language news sites carrying the story reference a statement from 'Sony Pictures Releasing', which at the time of writing, cannot be substantiated.
The news was wedged in with an announcement that his latest film, "Biutiful", will be released on DVD in Europe on 13th October 2011.
Bardem, who won an Oscar for his performance in 2008's "No Country For Old Me",
has long been rumoured for the Bond 23 role. Recently, his involvement looked uncertain due to him landing the lead in the "Dark Tower" franchise, but that has since been put on ice.
If Bardem's casting is finalized, expect an official (English-language) statement shortly.
The original German text read:
"Oscar®-Preisträger Bardem (âBIUTIFULâ) wird als Bösewicht und Gegenspieler von Craig im neuen James Bond Film zu sehen sein. In âBOND 23â kann der Hollywood-Star, der mit Penélope Cruz verheiratet ist, seine schauspielerischen Fähigkeiten als Schurke erneut unter Beweis stellen: Für seine Performance des psychopathischen Auftragskillers in No Country for Old Men wurde er 2008 mit dem Oscar® ausgezeichnet."
Thanks to `Risico007 ` for the alert.
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