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'SPECTRE' pulls in 5 million viewers for UK terrestrial TV debut

03-Jan-2018 • Spectre (2015)

The latest James Bond film 'SPECTRE' made its debut on free-to-air television in the UK on New Year's Day and pulled in 5 million viewers for ITV.

Although the figures are preliminary and do not include time-shifted viewing, 5 million continues the decline of traditional television debuts for 007. Given that most people had already seen the film in theatres, DVD/BluRay or streaming services, the lustre of Bond on the box has tarnished in the past decade.

The previous film, Skyfall, was seen by 7.1 million in the UK when it debuted on ITV on Christmas Eve 2014 (a 31.5% audience share) at 8pm, also two years after it debuted in cinemas. 

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