MI6 have teamed with CrossGen to bring you an exclusive
competition to a win signed copies of issue #2
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang".
Enter the MI6 competition for your chance
to win. | |
Win Signed #2 "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"!
16th March 2004
MI6 Competition
MI6 have teamed with CrossGen
to bring you an exclusive competition. MI6 are offering
readers the chance to win copies of CrossGen's "Kiss
Kiss Bang Bang" Issue #2, signed by
writer Tony Bedard, penciler Mike Perkins and Andrew
Hennessy. This second issue follows on from the exciting
storyline that introduced the characters in the sellout
first issue, where Charles Basildon
is on his mission to save the world.
MI6 Briefing
Title: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Publisher: CrossGen
Released: Issue #1 January 2004
Writer: Tony Bedard
Penciler: Mike Perkins
Colorist: Laura Villari
Inker: Andrew Hennessy
Related Stories
"Kiss Kiss Bang
Bang" Preview
"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"
- Tony
- Mike
| |

Above: Front cover of Issue #2 signed by writer Tony
Bedard, penciler Mike Perkins, and inker Andrew
Surrounded by the political, cultural and sexual revolutions
of London in the swinging '60s, three MI6 agents fight for
safety of the globe - and scheme to claim the UK's #1 espionage
job. In a twist similar to the 1967 spoof Bond film "Casino
Royale", the main character's name is simply a moniker for
a series of agents who have fought villains over the years.
'...Basildon will be based
in London, usually out of a secret headquarters beneath Carnaby
Street.' - Tony Bedard 2004
Signed #2"Kiss Kiss Bang
Be Won!
CrossGen are kindly giving away signed copies of
"Kiss Kiss Bang
Bang" Issue #2 to
lucky MI6 readers.
Simply answer the question correctly for your chance to
Right: Cells from "Kiss
Kiss Bang Bang" #2.
Terms & Conditions
The competition closes at midnight on April 18th 2004.
MI6 will choose the winners at random from the correct answers
The winners will be contacted via the email address supplied and their postal
address will be requested. If a winner fails to respond within 7 days of prize
notification, another winner will be chosen until all prizes are allotted.
Competition is open to international MI6 readers.
Images courtesy CrossGen Comics.