MI6 has copies of the new book James Bond And Philosophy to give away to lucky readers.

Enter the MI6 competition for your chance to win.

Win James Bond And Philosophy Books
9th April 2007

James Bond And Philosophy - Edited by James B. South and Jacob M. Held

MI6 Competition
“ Bond. James Bond.” Since Sean Connery first uttered that iconic phrase in Dr. No, more than one quarter of the world’s population has seen a 007 film.

Witty and urbane, Bond seduces and kills with equal ease — often, it seems, with equal enthusiasm. This enthusiasm, coupled with his freedom to do what is forbidden to everyone else, evokes fascinating philosophical questions.

Here, 15 witty, thought-provoking essays discuss hidden issues in Bond’s world, from his carnal pleasures to his license to kill. Among the lively topics explored are Bond’s relation to existentialism, including his graduation “beyond good and evil”; his objectification of women; the paradox of breaking the law in order to ultimately uphold it like any “stupid policeman”; the personality of 007 in terms of Plato’s moral psychology; and the Hegelian quest for recognition evinced by Bond villains.

A reference guide to all the Bond movies rounds out the book’s many pleasures.

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Above: Book cover art

The 320 page paperback book is published in the UK and USA by Open Court Publishing Company.

James Bond And Philosophy Books Must Be Won!
Thanks to our friends at Open Court Publishing Company (UK), MI6 can bring you a great competition to copies of James Bond And Philosophy - edited by James B. South and Jacob M. Held. Simply answer the question correctly to be in the draw...

Which villain once called James Bond a 'stupid policeman'?

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Terms & Conditions
The competition closes at midnight on 9th May 2007. MI6 will choose the winners at random from the correct answers received. The winners will be contacted via the email address supplied and their postal address will be requested. If a winner fails to respond within 7 days of prize notification, another winner will be chosen until all prizes are allotted. Competition is open to all MI6 readers worldwide.

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