MI6 chatted to Steve Ettinger from "Griptonite" this week, about miniaturizing Bond and his Aston Martin for "Everything or Nothing" - the latest Bond outing on GameBoy Advanced...

Interview - Steve Ettinger (Part 1)
7th November 2003

MI6 chatted to Steve Ettinger from "Griptonite" this week, about miniaturizing Bond and his Aston Martin for "Everything or Nothing" - the latest Bond outing on GameBoy Advanced...

Miniaturizing Bond..

Above: GBA SP

What were the most difficult aspects/technical challenges developing a Bond game for the hand held platform?
First and foremost you have the iconic character of James Bond, the world's greatest secret agent. Making a good shooter, making a good adventure game, making a good stealth game, these are each big challenges individually for the GBA. This game had to incorporate all of the above, and do it with style. Add that little special something that makes Bond who he is.

Technically, getting the world to look as deep as we wanted it to be was an interesting challenge. Fitting stealth in a 2D world was also really hard, but really rewarding in the end. There's a lot of game-play there for someone who wants to try to go and stealth his way through the whole game.

How were you approached to create the GBA version of "Everything or Nothing"? How eager were you to be involved in a project that was related to such a famous and world recognized series?
We were initially approached by our friends at EA to consider working on James Bond for the GBA - a title that we were honoured to work on. Who wouldn't be?!? Our initial design meetings were some of the most intense and fun that we've had. It was clear that this was a character that was evocative to a lot of people, but when we all got together and started putting ideas onto paper, it was clear that we all wanted to achieve the same things from the game.


Were the scripts or pre-visualization aspects already produced by Electronic Arts? How much creative license were you given to mould the game into it's own unique version?
EA couldn't have been more supportive, and they had a TON of pre-visualization assets as well as in-game assets from the advanced console team. We feel that we have a very positive and productive relationship with EA, and that we were given as much freedom as we needed. If we were ever in a situation like, 'Hey do you guys have any idea what a Russian Tank made completely of platinum would look like?', we'd immediately get concept art, and even models. That was really nice, and all of the people at EA were fantastic to work with!

Above: Aston Martin Vanquish

Do you think the originality and depth of the storyline in "Everything or Nothing" is a way forward in making future games increasingly like movies?
Handheld games can be somewhat difficult to create where the goal is to look as much as possible like their movie counterparts, given the graphical capabilities of the GBA. One of our goals in "Everything or Nothing" was to follow the lead of the advanced console team wherever applicable, and in fact we 'inherited' many characters, animations, and other visuals that helped us to maintain a consistent look and feel. Likewise, there were story elements of the advanced console version that we paid attention to, and at times found that a neat 'niche' for our story was in some cases to 'fill in the gaps'.

"Everything or Nothing" GBA Wallpaper A
800 x 600 - 1024x768

"Everything or Nothing" GBA Wallpaper B
800 x 600 - 1024x768

Order Online
UK - MI6 GBA Price: £24.99
USA - MI6 GBA Price: $29.99

Keep an eye out for the final part of the interview where we continue to chat about "Everything or Nothing" on the GBA.

Many thanks to Steve Ettinger. "Everything or Nothing" for GBA will go on sale in the USA on Friday 21st November 2003.

Images courtesy EA and Amazon Associates.

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