MI6 previews the new book from Michelle Disler, an examination of the ultimate spy-styled popular thriller...

[Bond, James] - Book Preview

6th September 2011

[Bond, James]: Alphabet, Anatomy, [Auto]Biography - Michelle Disler

Invokes a narrative and intimate distance through the imbalance of power between men & detectives and women & wives, leaving a risky proposition like an alphabet or the simple complexity of memoir and writing about memory.

A sobering examination of the ultimate spy-styled popular thriller, a nuanced deconstruction of model masculinity in mass culture.

About The Author
Michelle Disler is an assistant professor of creative writing at Ohio Wesleyan University. Her work has appeared in The Laurel Review, Seneca Review, Lake Effect, Gulf Coast, Painted Bride Quarterly, Witness, Southern Humanities Review, North Dakota Review, Fugue, Hotel Amerika, Fact-Simile, and Columbia, where her essay received the Essay Prize.

She is also an AWP Intro Award and Pushcart Prize nominee, the latter for her multigenre work on Ian Fleming’s James Bond.

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Publisher: Counterpath Press (USA)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
RRP: $14.95
ISBN: 1933996250
Released: 15th November 2011 (USA)

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