After Ian Fleming's widow Anne passed away in 1981, the
literary rights to the James Bond series were renegotiated,
launching John Gardner's continuation novels. Shortly afterwards,
new comic book rights were licenced around the world to
develop original 007 adventures in the graphic novel format.
Although Semic were the most industrious with the rights
in Scandinavia, a couple of publishers in the USA produced
a collection of original James Bond mini-series comic books
between 1989 and 1995.
Eclipse Comics produced the first ever original English-language
007 comic book outing with "Permission To Die",
written and drawn by Mike Grell, in 1989 - with concluding
issue published in 1991. Dark Horse Comics then took over
the licence, producing six new adventures, ending with "The
Quasimodo Gambit" in 1995. Since then, no new original
007 comic books have been produced, but some comics are
still available to purchase from the original publisher.

Above: James Bond by Mike Grell |