MI6 looks back at the Dark Horses comic mini series "James Bond 007: Light Of My Death" #2, released in 1993...

"James Bond 007: Light Of My Death #2" Review
11th September 2005

Above: Front cover


The Story
Starting in France, the story Bond in discussion with a French counterpart on a Monday morning. Commander Ratray informs Bond that the weapon used in the assassination could well have been a laser.

We meet the sniper over a single page and his contact, and learn of the next job using the laser.

Bond heads to the crash site on Tuesday where he faces off commandos with the help of old friend Tatiana. Bond makes plans to leave for Hong Kong after spending the evening with Tatiana.

MI6 Briefing
Title: James Bond – Light of my Death
Publisher: Acme Comics LTD, Dark Horse Comics Inc, Glidrose Publications LTD
Released: Issue #9 - Part 2 - 1993
Writer: Das Petrou
Artist: John Watkiss
Letters: Woodrow Phoenix
Colorist: Trevor Goring
Cover Artist: Ray Lago

Best Line
"Looks like they don’t like to take the hard stuff with ice."

Similar to issue one, the standout art in this issue is the introduction of the nameless sniper. We get to see the Aston Martin DB5 briefly as Bond moves to the French Alps.

An odd use of colours for the ski commando’s who are wear black and yellow against the white slopes. Tatiana’s character is flat and uninspiring during her involvement.

As with issue one, the dialogu is short and punchy. Despite the very small about of space, Petrou has put managed to put together dialogue which relays the essentials.

Data Stream (Part #2)

Villain: Unnamed sniper, Mr Amos
Plot: Bond heads out to investigate the death of Rogers. He encounters enemies and a long lost friend.
Bond Girls: Tatiana Romanova
Allies: Commander Ratray, Tatiana Romanova
Locations: Lyon, France; Chamonix, France

Above: Cell from part 2 of "Light Of My Death"

MI6 Rating

Images courtesy Dark Horse

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