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MI6 looks back at the James Bond comic book adventure
"The Quasimodo Gambit" released by Dark
Horse in January 1995
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"The Quasimodo Gambit #1" Review
21st October 2005
The Story
The story arc is broken up into short chapters, with the titles
are cleverly worked into the opening cell of each chapter.

Above: Cell from The Quasimodo Gambit #1.
Chapter 1: Figures Seen in Twilight
Set primarily in Jamaica and London, the comic opens with
chapter one 'Figures Seen in Twilight'. A beautiful woman
is discovered while on a reconnaissance mission, whilst
Bond is also on a similar mission and has come to aid the
beautiful woman 'Valentine Nebula'. After a wonderfully
depicted stealth attack, Bond and Nebula make their introductions
and discover that they are to work together with the common
goal of stopping an arms dealer.
Chapter 2: Discipline Without Bias
Upon his return to London,
Bond is briefed about "Rifle" an arms merchant,
who was to be eliminated by Bond. After suggestive banter
with Miss Moneypenny, Bond returns to Jamaica to conclude
Rifle's life.
Chapter 3: A Lot of Money to be Made
This two-page spread introduces us to the interim foe in
this issue, Rifle. Introduced whilst with his girlfriend,
he sets off to make his final delivery of weapons. The two
pages are a good insight into a villain and help establish
a back-story, and ensure he is not just a throwaway henchman.
The main villain who is introduced later in this issue is
not given the same treatment, which is a shame.
Chapter 4: Destructive Cargo
Chapter four builds the tension and action at a perfect pace.
A little information is learnt about the main villain, and after
he has been introduced the actions begins. Rifle arrives to deliver
the arms shipment that Quasimodo is there to buy. Bond and Nebula
mix things up which results in the longest and most dynamic chapter
in this issue. The net result sees Rifle dispatched and Bond in
a head to head with Quasimodo whilst in a truck loaded with arms.
Nebula rounds up the rest of the goons.
Chapter 5: Man Hunt in the Sugar Cane
Bond and Quasimodo continue their fight as the transport
truck snakes through the Jamaican countryside. With a slight
advantage, Bond miscalculates a move and losses what small
advantage he had. Ending up in the middle of the dirt road,
he heads for the surrounding sugar cane fields as Quasimodo
and Lighttouch begin to search for him. After a few cells
they realize that they will never catch him. With some quick
thinking they set the field alight, trapping Bond in the
middle of the blaze. We see a battered Bond make a narrow
escape, into a swamped area.
Chapter 6: Guns and Madness
Bond returns unharmed to MoD Jamaica later to discuss the
goings-on's of that night. After a discussing in the evening,
more information is learnt about the weapons buyers. This
leads to head of the MoD interviewing the leader of the
suspected church, Reverent Hazelwood, who is quick to dismiss
the whole affair.
Chapter 8: Playing the Game in Ernest
Valentine and Bond spend the evening together. Bond calls
old friend Felix Leiter, for help in finding out more information
about the people he is up against.
Chapter 9: Intimate Isolation
John Glen's pigeons open this chapter, flying away from
and intimate dinner between Bond and Valentine. Over a long
relaxing meal, Valentine begins to fall for Bond, both retiring
together in a isolated cottage on the coast Bond and Palatine
spend a peaceful evening.

Above: Cell from The Quasimodo Gambit #1. |
Cover Design
Using the standard Dark Horse layout this first of three issues
depicts a montage with key Bond elements. A tortured and disfigured
villain glares wildly out as he towers high above all the action.
Below his face, Bond and his female accomplice stand blazing with
their weapons at unseen foes. Bond is in a classic marksmen pose
with his female alloy appearing to lean into his back. The cover
is finished with Bond fleeing from a wall of fire and smoke that
is being over shadowed by the moon.
This mini series has created a new look for Dark Horse and
Bond. The mature clean lines help depicted a very realistic
world for Bond to inhabit. The strong lines and clear characters
create a very unique and great visual world.
The opening of the issue, set at dawn, is presented in
warm oranges and yellows. The dusk of the following day
is equally atmospheric, which adds life to the backgrounds
and characters interactions.
The evenings are presented in a crisp and cool manner with
great detail to the background. The feeling of summer heat
is lost throughout this issue, which would have helped support
the location choice.
Bond is shown as a strong jawed man who could have received
more attention and definition, the supporting cast is equal
if not better than him. However, the villain appears a short
number of times with varying levels of detail. The character
does not appear clearly in this issue, and does not create
a memorable impression.
A few cells in this issue lack any level of actions emotion,
which fails the issue. The overall presentation and layout
of the cells however is of a high standard.

Above: Front cover
MI6 Briefing
Title: Ian Fleming's 007 James Bond - The Quasimodo Gambit
Publisher: Acme Comics LTD, Dark Horse Comics Inc, Glidrose
Publications LTD
Released: Issue #1 - January 1995
Writer: Don McGregor
Art: Gary Caldwell Cover: Chris Moeller
Letters: Elitta Fell
Editor: Edward Martin III & Dick Hansom
McGregor has developed a large portion of this story as character
monologue. Bond gives us clues to his inner workings as he springs
into action or calculates this next move. This however becomes
tiresome by the end of the issue. The characters are all caught
up in their inner monologue, and though progressing the story,
it hinders more by reinforcing what we are seeing in the cells;
which is not needed. Character monologue adds a new spin on the
Dark Horse Bond issues, but is over done here.

Above: Cell from The Quasimodo Gambit #1. |
Data Stream (Issue #1)
Villain: |
Maximillian Steel AKA Quasimodo, Lighttouch,
Reverend Hazelwood |
Plot: |
A notorious arms merchant Jefferson Rifle
makes a deal with Reverend Elias Hazelwood and Maximillian
"Quasimodo" Steele. James Bond and Jamaica
Security Officer Nebula Valentine intervene trying to
stop Rifle and learn sinister plan has been put into
motion by Hazelwood. |
Bond Girls: |
Valentine Nebula |
Allies: |
Felix Leiter |
Locations: |
Jamaica |
MI6 Rating
Images courtesy Dark Horse Comics.
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