MI6 looks back at the James Bond comic book adventure
"The Quasimodo Gambit" released by Dark
Horse in February 1995
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"The Quasimodo Gambit #2" Review
28th February 2006
The Story
The story arc is broken up into short chapters, and the titles
are cleverly worked into the opening cell of each chapter. We
rejoin the story at Chapter 10.

Above: Cell from The Quasimodo Gambit #2.
Chapter 10: Blueprint For A Beast
Bond breaks into the private residence of Reverend Hazelwood.
Gaining access to the main building, he begins to search
for clues to the Reverend’s scheme. The story shifts
to a mountainous region after Bond barely escaped capture
with vital information.
Chapter 11: Amid The Ganja Crop
More of the plot is revealed as Maximillian "Quasimodo"
Steele discusses the delivery of drugs with transport partner
Conan Lash. Quasimodo arranges to create a diversion to
keep the authorities busy while he and Lash progresses their
true scheme.
Chapter 12: Passionate Respite
Picking up form chapter 10, Bond and Valentine venture to
a mountain top in search of Ganja fields. While ascending
they discover a waterfall and take time to cool off.
Chapter 13: No Need For Anyone To Die Ttoday
Upon coming across the Ganja fields, Bond and Valentine
learn more of Qusimodo's plot from an intimidated worker.
Chapter 14: Strategies Over Caviar
While relaxing in a safe house with Nebula, Bond calls Felix to
inform him of the coming danger and who to watch in the US. Felix
agrees to investigate Reverend Hazelwood and see what resources
he can put together to help stop Quasimodo.
Chapter 15: A Harvest Of Green Bananas
We join Lash and Quasimodo at the halfway point of their
drugs run. Quasimodo voices concern, which is dismissed
by Lash who continues to annoy Quasimodo by calling him
Chapter 16: Shadow Detail
Felix and his assistant trail Reverend Hazelwood. The Reverend
meets with a New York based contact that is to receive packages,
which are key to the operation. We learn a little more about
the Reverend the plot and the impending delivery of weapons
hidden within the drugs.
Chapter 17: Blackwater Pursuit
We rejoin Bond who is onboard a US Coast Guard boat which
is chasing an elusive boat that dumps its illegal cargo
overboard. Bond leaps into the river to learn what has been
dumped. He is soon discovered by Quasimodo's thugs who have
returned to retrieve the cargo before the Coast Guard returns.
Chapter 18: Leeches A La Carte
Bond meets Lash who is awaiting Quasimodo's arrival. Upon
arriving Quasimodo taunts Bond and places leeches in his
month and face. Quasimodo leaves them to drink their fill
while Lash watches over him.
Chapter 19: Quicksand Burial
Bond escapes his captors, who chase him into the surrounding
swamp. He manages to evade them by hiding in the swamps
undergrowth and witnesses Quasimodo murder Lash. Bond is
left deep in the swamp watching Quasimodo leave with his
deadly cargo.
Best Line:
"Where is your British pluck now?"

Above: Cell from The Quasimodo Gambit #2. |
Cover Design
Moving away from the standard poster layouts, issue two focuses
on the face of Bond as he is tortured by leeches courtesy of the
villain. Gagged and bubbling blood, Bond's eyes are clear. His
face is twisted with pain as the leeches slowly draw blood. This
striking image sets a clear tone for the issue and was a welcome
change from the established poster style covers.
This first issue established a warm hazy Jamaican atmosphere
with soft detailing. Part two continues this style, however,
this has resulted in cells losing focus. Added to this the
busy layouts for each panel the clarity of artwork easily
becomes lost. Several of the cells feel lifeless and posed.
Chapter eighteen is made up of a torture scene in which
leeches are used to slowly weaken Bond. This makes for some
of the better art featured in this issue. Overall, the quality
of art suffers as there is so much contained on each page.
MI6 Briefing
Title: Ian Fleming's 007 James Bond - The Quasimodo
Publisher: Acme Comics LTD, Dark Horse Comics Inc,
Glidrose Publications LTD
Released: Issue #2 - February 1995
Writer: Don McGregor
Art: Gary Caldwell
Cover: Chris Moeller
Letters: Elitta Fell
Editor: Edward Martin III, Robert V. Conte & Dick

Above: Front cover
Don McGregor again tries to cram large amounts of back story and
character development into each panel. The story moves at a fair
pace, however, at times it comes unstuck as monologues move off
at a tangent. The problems established in issue one carry over
fully into the second issue.

Above: Cell from The Quasimodo Gambit #2. |
Data Stream (Issue #2)
Villain: |
Maximillian Steel AKA Quasimodo, Lighttouch,
Reverend Hazelwood, Sister Bridget |
Plot: |
Bond's midnight excursion into The Estate
for the Disciples of the Heavenly Way reveals that the
believers are more than just quiet and devout -- they're
fanatical soldiers bent on the destruction of The Beast
-- whatever that is! Following leads and his instincts,
he heads deep into the Georgian swamps, only to find
his worst fears confirmed and a bloody nightmare from
which he cannot escape! |
Bond Girls: |
Valentine Nebula |
Allies: |
Felix Leiter |
Locations: |
Jamaica, New York |
MI6 Rating
Images courtesy Dark Horse Comics.
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