Judi Dench and Rory Kinnear filmed a scene against the backdrop of the SIS building in Vaxuhall, London...
The Road To MI6
13th February 2012
The "Skyfall" crew were back in London this weekend shooting a sequence in Vauxhall. Judi Dench as "M" and Rory Kinnear as Bill Tanner were on location shooting between between Lambeth Bridge and Vauxhall Bridge Road. The clapperboard revealed the sequence to be scene 27, which will appear in the running order shortly before scenes filmed at the Old Royal Navy College in Greenwich.
Daniel Craig was not spotted on location. MI6 understands that the sequence shot is a dialogue between Tanner and M, as they drive in the back of M's Jaguar, speeding towards the real-life SIS building in Vauxhall Cross. The building regularly served as Bond's headquarters in the Brosnan era but "Skyfall" will mark the first time the iconic building will in a film during Daniel Craig's tenure as 007. The car is equipped with customised blue flashing lights behind the grill and both Sam Mendes and Roger Deakins were on hand to head up the crew. For much of the sequence the car was towed on a trailer with cameras rigged to capture the scene through the driver's side window.