Release Data
USA: 21st June 2004 (Rated: T)
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- MI6 Price: $29.88
NightFire features an original single player storyline
borrowing from the 007 legacy that spans 40 years.
As Bond, players operate in the snow capped Austrian
Alps and outer space as well as underwater in the
depths of the South Pacific to defeat the evil criminal
mastermind Rafael Drake who is secretly bent on world
Players can maneuver the sleek Aston Martin V12 Vanquish
through the streets of Tokyo while turning on the
Bond charm with glamorous Bond women. There are 9-Action-packed,
single player missions, filed with beautiful women
an treacherous enemies, demand your immediate attention
and utmost skill. Use special gadgets including Q-specs
for infrared, night, and x-ray visibility,the Phoenix
suitcase turret gun, and the Laser watch. Do you have
what it takes to be Bond?