The World Is Not Enough VG (2000) - Players Guide

Mission 11: Turncoat

Mission Objectives:
- Pursue Bullion. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Rescue the hostages. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Avoid innocent casualties. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)

Just as a note, there's another mission objective - "Christmas must survive".
However, since Christmas never actually appears in the mission, it's
pointless to add.

In my opinion, this mission is the worst in terms of annoyance. The streets of Istanbul are littered with civilians, but the problem doesn't come with accidentally killing them, rather the terrorists doing so. In every mission previous to this, enemies were allowed to kill civilians (apart from hostages) without it counting as a casualty. Not here, though. If you kill a civilian, you fail. If a terrorist kills a civilian, you fail. If a civilian has a heart attack somewhere on the other side of the city, you fail. This becomes frustrating because you might be ten yards away from an innocent, and an enemy will still manage to hit them as they fire erratically.

Also, there are a few times where you're forced to jump across rooftops. If you're unfamiliar with first person shooters, you'll soon realize that there's nothing more aggravating than jumping puzzles (probably as irritating as climbing a ladder and getting stuck at the top), and this holds true in The World Is Not Enough; running towards the ledge and jumping too soon or not far enough will lead to an instant death, forcing you to repeat the mission.

Before the mission begins, the cinematic makes a point of showing Bond forget his P2K, but don't think you'll have to fight anyone unarmed. Turn the corner of the alley and climb up the ladder on the left, at the end of the catwalk is a P2K. Jump down and run down the street; two enemies appear from behind the parked van, so hide behind the car on the left and kill them.

Pick up their Magnums and immediately equip it; three enemies appear at the end of the street, two with Magnums and one with an Ingalls. Use the Magnum's scope to kill them from a distance and run over to collect their weapons. There's another guard on your right and two more join soon after. Kill them and take a left down the alley, there's are a lot of civilians but no one looking for your blood, so don't get trigger happy.

Equip your Ingalls and head to the end of the alley, take a right and kill the two guards in front of you. There are up to two more guards at the end of the street, either in the corner on the right, at the beginning of the smaller path on the left, or both. Kill them from behind cover and continue. Take a left and kill the guard in the corner as well as the two that appear at the end of the road. As you're about to enter the door on the left, another guard appears, so kill him as well.

Run up the stairs and look left, there are up to two hostages in this area.

You should have at least five rounds in your Magnum for this to work well, but anything above two will still get the job done. Kill the enemy to release his hostage (note that this hostage won't always appear) and quickly look left and kill the enemy to release the second hostage (this hostage will always appear). Now back up out of view, the remaining three enemies will try to shoot you if you're in view, putting the hostages at risk. Wait for them to run down the stairs past you before reappearing at the archway. Stand in the back right corner so that you can attack the enemy on the second level without being attacked by the other guards in the room, and then look left to kill another. Stay under the back walkway, but enter the room and look in the far right corner and kill the goon. Lastly, move away from the walkway about three feet and look up to find the last guard and kill him.

Once everyone's dead, collect their weapons and pick up the body armor under the walkway. Leave the area through the archway on the left and head up the stairs, there's a guard halfway up but he's facing away from you. When you reach the higher level, pick up any of the weapons that weren't dropped over the side and continue through the door on your left. There's a guard at the top of these stairs, so kill him and take a left. From the doorway to the rooftop, kill the enemy on the adjacent building and head outside, another guard will appear from the left, so take care of him as well.

In the back corner of this rooftop is a portion of the stone that's broken off, hinting that you're supposed to jump to the next building. I suggest strafing diagonally to pick up more speed, allowing you to jump farther. On
the other roof, head right and kill the two guards through the drying laundry
and run down the ramp on your right. Kill the guard in the far left corner as
well as the two in the building through the windows. Jump up onto the ledge
and hop onto the balcony. Leave the apartment through the door across the room and kill the two guards in the hall, in these close quarters it wouldn't be a bad idea to use your shotgun. Enter the room on the right and kill the guard at the door, in the adjoining room are two more guards as well as another pair on the balcony to your right. Kill the four of them and head outside.

At the far end of the area, you'll see an enemy climbing up the roof, quickly pull out your Magnum and kill him before he gets the chance to attack. Take a right and kill the guard on the right, use the ladder behind him to climb up and continue the chase. Equip your Ingalls and kill the pair of enemies on the other side of the hanging clothes, and run to the end of this area. There are two enemies here, both near the end. The very last hole on the right has a ripped gate, so drop down into the market and equip your Mustang. Run down the hall and take a right, there are six or seven enemies guarding a single hostage.

The enemy in the center is the one holding the hostage, meaning that killing him will allow the hostage to run away. However, there's a very good chance that one of the enemies in the back will accidentally kill him while trying to get to you. Your best course of action is to strafe into the room and basically kill everything you can as quickly as you can. This will probably be the only time you see this in the guide, but charge through the room and worry about not dying later. This can be one of the trickiest areas in the level due to the cramped space, but it's fairly simple if you just run in and get it over with.

Take a left and kill the three guards at the end of the hall. When they're dead, equip your Magnum and run halfway down the stairs. Look through your scope and kill the guard near the door holding the hostage.

The next room contains yet another hostage along with four enemies. Use your Magnum and kill the one on the right to free the hostage; back into the previous room and allow the hostage to run to safety before reentering and killing the rest of the enemies in the room. Head through the door at the end that leads to the market, there are three enemies inside, with one holding a final hostage. Kill the guard in front of you and quickly take down the enemy to your right to free the hostage, and then head for the door, making sure to watch out for the guard around the corner on the left. When you enter the second part of the market, kill as many enemies as you can while strafing left. In the corner of the room is a doorway leading to a set of stairs; enter that room to trigger the ending cinematic and complete the mission.

Players Guide Index

"The World Is Not Enough" campaign players guide by Matthew Haensly (MRH) 2005. All rights reserved. MI6 is not affiliated with EA Games or their subsidiaries. "The World Is Not Enough" Players Guide is for personal use only and may not be republished without prior permission of the original author.