The World Is Not Enough VG (2000) - Players Guide

Mission 13: A Sinking Feeling

Mission Objectives:
- Board the submarine. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Locate and rescue Christmas. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Gain access to the control room. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Avoid submarine crew casualties. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Escort Christmas to the mine room. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Destroy the steering controls. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)

If you remember back to the beginning of this guide, one of the tips outlined in the Basic Strategies section said to be careful and avoid running into a room, shooting like a maniac. Well, this is really the one exception to this rule. Once you enter the sub, don't hold back. Unload rounds like there's no tomorrow, use your most powerful weapon as soon as you get them.

However, the beginning of this mission requires complete stealth. You have to kill enemies quietly and quickly, and also only one at a time.

After the cinematic ends, equip your pistol with its silencer and turn around. Crouch down and crawl left until you come up behind the guard walking around this area. Sneak up behind him and deliver a clean headshot. Pick up his MB Pow and head over to where the sub is. Kill the guard standing by the alarm and wait there for a moment, another guard should be walking by any second, fire a third round to take him out of the picture. Collect his weapon and run to the end of the submarine via the walkway; dive off the edge and climb up onto the sub's stern. Crouch down and crawl along the left side (to avoid being seen by the remaining guards) to the porthole in the middle. Climb up the ladder and drop down, objective A complete.

Climb down the next ladder, but stop about two-thirds of the way down. Equip your x-ray glasses and look straight down, there's a guard standing right below you, but he blends in to the floor without the glasses. Shoot him in the head and climb the rest of the way down.

You're first job is to find Christmas; even though she doesn't appear in a set room, you won't have to search each one, thanks to the x-ray glasses. Head through the door that you were facing when you climbed down (not the one near the alarm) since it leads to a dead end, if Christmas isn't there, return to the main ladder hallway and check the room on the left. If she's in either of these rooms, kill the guard holding her there and talk to her. After that she follows you to the mine room at the other end of the sub.

If she isn't there, though, you still have some searching to do. Leave the hall through the door near the alarm and look through the wall in front of you with the glasses. If she's in either of the two rooms, free her and continue up. If she's in the room on the right or you haven't found her, take the right hallway up and kill the two guards in the area. You've probably attracted some attention by now, and there are four or five guards in the room at the end of the hall. Kill them and head through one of the three halls (check for Christmas if you still haven't found her). Take a left and continue up the submarine, after heading through two doors you'll come to the control room on the right. Open the door and kill the three guys inside, but don't enter it yet. Continue onwards and kill the guard in the room on the right (I think this is another room that Christmas might be in, but I've never found her here). Past this area is a ladder on your left that leads down to the mine room, climb down and Christmas will follow you.

Once she's safe, return to the control room. Enter inside and check out the small room in the far left corner. There are two more enemies in this room as well as the steering controls. It's a lone consol with two big levers; destroy it, and a few seconds later the mission will end.

Players Guide Index

"The World Is Not Enough" campaign players guide by Matthew Haensly (MRH) 2005. All rights reserved. MI6 is not affiliated with EA Games or their subsidiaries. "The World Is Not Enough" Players Guide is for personal use only and may not be republished without prior permission of the original author.