The World Is Not Enough VG (2000) - Players Guide

Mission 2: King's Ransom

Mission Objectives:
- Protect all MI6 personnel. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Avoid civilian or security casualties. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Find Sir Robert King. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Activate the top floor lockdown. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Rescue M. (Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Escort M to the security center. (Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Activate the sprinkler system. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Activate the ground floor lockdown. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Escort Dr. Warmflash to the injury victims. (Secret Agent, 00 Agent)
- Get to the Q labs. (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent)

Terrorists are attacking MI6 headquarters? Bold move, to say the least. When the mission begins, M tells you to find Sir Robert, so leave her office and talk to Money Penny. She's hiding in the corner of the secretary's office, and she gives you a pen grenade. The security guard in here will tell you to activate the lockdown in the security center.

Enter the hallway, almost immediately a terrorist will come through the window on your left. Thankfully, you'll have some help from the security guards, but don't completely rely on them. Kill the enemy on the left and then look down the hall; two more terrorists are heading your way, but the security guards are blocking your view. Make sure to shoot around them, and kill the two terrorists.

Take the first left, and then another; a terrorist will be breaking through the window right about now, so take care of him. Head up the hallway and peak around the left corner; you should see a fire extinguisher. Shoot it, and all three enemies will be killed in the blast. Continue that way and yet another terrorist will jump through the window, so kill him as well.

Now switch from the P2K to your Deutsche and look down the hall; three terrorists about fifty feet away. Quickly kill them and head to the end, the security center is on your left. Run over to Robinson and activate the security panel on the right to shut the blast doors.

As you're heading back up the hall, Money Penny radios in and says that M is being held hostage. Luckily, she hasn't been moved from her office and there's only one terrorist guarding her. Switch over to your Raptor and retrace your steps back to the beginning, killing any terrorists that get in your way (there may be one around the second corner near the window, and usually two right outside Money Penny's office). Enter M's office and kill the terrorist on the right. Don't panic about M dying, there's no risk of her being shot; the lone terrorist focuses all of his attention on you.

When she's safe, M asks you to escort her to the security center as a precaution. Lead her there, only three more enemies should have spawned: one by the blast door, one by the now-destroyed fire extinguisher, and one by the security center itself. When M is safe, return to the first hallway and take a left to the area you haven't been.

Around the corner are two terrorists, so strafe around it and kill them with your Deutsche. On Secret Agent and Agent, there's armor in the meeting room on the right. Head through the door at the end of the hall that leads to the stairs; up to three terrorists have repelled down from the ceiling and are hanging around (literally) to attack you. Strafe back and forth and kill them, and then head down the stairs. Before going down each flight, look over the edge and check for enemies, there are a few on the first two floors. When you reach the bottom, three more terrorists begin repelling down to attack. Equip your Watch Stunner and knock them out before they reach the bottom.

Enter the ground floor through the door and talk to the security guard; he mentions that there are fires in the lobby, but the sprinkler system isn't automatically turning on, so it's up to Bond to activate them manually.

Continue down the hall and enter the main area that branches off. Run straight and three more terrorists will appear, chasing after a terrified scientist. When the scientist ducks into the room on the left, shoot the fire extinguisher to kill the three of them. Take a right at the end of the hall and enter the darkened room; there's a terrorist hiding in the back, so kill him and turn on the sprinklers. Turn around and shoot the terrorist that's about to drop through the hole in the ceiling, and then exit the room. A pair of enemies are at the opposite end of the hall, so kill them with your Deutsche and run down and collect their ammunition. Take a left at that end of the hallway and head through the door that requires handprint identification; the security panel is inside, so activate the lockdown on this floor.

Now return to the main area and head down the only hallway that you haven't explored yet. In the room on your left are two terrorists, so open the door and shoot the computer inside to kill one of them (make sure to back up first), and then shoot the other on the left.

Continue down the hall, past the medical center, and reach the vault by the main lobby. Head inside and talk to the security guard by the actual entrance to the vault; he asks you to get the doctor from the medical center and escort her to the vault. It's only down the hall, so there should only be one or two terrorists on the way there or the way back. Lead Dr. Warmflash to the vault and continue inside to find Sir Robert, who promptly dies as soon as you arrive.

Right about now, Q rings in and requests your presence in the Q labs. In case you didn't see it, the labs are in the hallway that leads to the stairs, so head back that way. One or two terrorists may have spawned in the halls, and at least two of them are in the main area with the map, so keep you Deutsche on hand. Enter the Q labs to trigger the cinematic and complete the mission.

Players Guide Index

"The World Is Not Enough" campaign players guide by Matthew Haensly (MRH) 2005. All rights reserved. MI6 is not affiliated with EA Games or their subsidiaries. "The World Is Not Enough" Players Guide is for personal use only and may not be republished without prior permission of the original author.