Director Lee Tamahori and Die Another Day stars Halle Berry and Rosamund Pike were in Tokyo for a press conference to promote the premiere and forthcoming release of the film...

"Die Another Day" Tokyo Press Conference
29th January 2003

Almost one year since production began, "Die Another Day" is still alive and kicking and stirring up Bond fever.

As the long-awaited Japanese release approaches, excitement surrounding the film is hitting fever pitch.

The unique poster campaign started some weeks ago, and a glossy press conference was held today to further stoke Bond fever.

The promotional press conference was held in Tokyo and attended by director Lee Tamahori and the two Bond girls - Rosamund Pike who plays Miranda Frost, and Halle Berry who stars as NSA agent Jinx.

Right: Rosamund Pike wore a chic Japanese style dress which pleased the Tokyo crowd.

Below: Pike, Tamahori and Berry take to the stage at the press conference.



The Japanese premiere of Die Another Day will be held in Tokyo on February 2nd 2003 and Tamahori, Pike and Berry are all billed to attend. The film opens nation wide on March 8th 2003.

Below: Halle Berry struts her stuff in front of the cameras.

Thanks to Macc and Umpire for their contribution