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24th May 2024

Lana Del Rey reveals her rejected James Bond title song

MI6 logo By MI6 Staff
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American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey has revealed she wrote a title song for the 24th James Bond film but was rejected. The film would ultimately become 'SPECTRE' and producers opted for Sam Smith's song 'Writing's On The Wall' which went on to win an Oscar.

When asked why she had not landed a Bond song yet whilst backstage at the Ivor Novello Awards in London on Thursday, she said "I mean, how has that not happened?"

After she sang a little of the chorus of her song '24' from her album 'Honeymoon' she said: "I wrote that for them. But Sam, you did a wonderful job really," she laughed. "One day, maybe... But I'm going to continue to sing, do my little Nancy Sinatra thing every now and then and just pretend it's the title track.”

Click below to listen her song '24' to clips of films from the Daniel Craig era to get a feel for what it could have been like:

There's only 24 hours in a day
And half as many ways for you to lie to me, my little love
There's only 24 hours in a day
And half of those, you lay awake
With thoughts of murder and carnage
If you lie down with dogs, then you'll get fleas
Be careful of the company you keep
There's only 24 hours
And that's not enough
To lie like you lie
Or love like you love
There's only 24 hours in a day
And half of those you lay
Between the sheets with me, my lying love
There's only 24 hours, so you'd say
For most of them you pay
For all the things they paid you for, my love
If you lie down with dogs, then you'll get fleas
Be careful of the ones you choose to leave
There's only 24 hours
And that's not enough
To lie like you lie
Or love like you love
Give me your heat
Give me your hymen
You hit that street
And my crooked lust
You count to three
While they're all dying
You're hard to reach
You're cold to touch

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