James Bond & Friends - Episode 0082

20th February 2021
Delve into the Art of Bond with From Russia With Love (Part 2)
By MI6 Staff
What tone and iconography did 'From Russia With Love' set for Bond marketing?
The panel reviews the original UK quad poster and bring to the table some other posters used to promote the 1963 film, many of which riff on the original artwork by Renato Fratini. Along the way, they discover misplaced weaponry, the size of Pierce’s silencer, visits to the ‘talkies’, Ben’s new glasses, the multi-Bond theory, prosthetic masks, the wrong Casino Royale, film fonts from the early noughts, Red Grant’s poor job satisfaction, Connery’s Lego haircut, fake legs, font crimes, and greengrocers in the ‘90s.
UK Quad
Sean's pick
David's pick
Ben's pick
Peter's pick
You can contact the show via the Twitter hashtag #askbond
The recording took place on February 12th, 2021 in New Zealand, UK, Germany, and Spain.
Paul Atkinson is a co-founder of MI6-HQ.com and the magazine MI6 Confidential
Peter Lorenz runs the Illustrated 007 blog
Sean Longmore shares his artwork @ThatTallGinger
David Leigh runs thejamesbonddossier.com
Ben Williams writes for MI6-HQ.com and MI6 Confidential
This podcast is copyright Pretitles LLC © 2021