Single player campaign walkthrough guide now online
for the Bangkok chapter of "James Bond 007:
Blood Stone"...
"Blood Stone" Strategy Guide (4)
10th January 2011
Enter the double doors, equip your Smartphone, and walk up the
ascending walkway to your left. Scan the bug inside. Return to
the main aquarium and advance toward the large center tank. Scan
the bug. Turn rearward and advance toward the smaller left-side
tank. Scan the bug. Turn right and submit the recordings to the
transmitter. The correct order is Yellow, Blue, Red. Return to
the large tank, where you collected the second bug. After the
conversation with Ping, advance forward to where you captured
the first bug and follow the linear path to the aquarium’s
top floor. When you have the opportunity to collect the DSR-1,
obtain it – it will be of great use for the level’s
remainder. When you reach the aquarium’s top floor, enter
the open doorway and ascend the stairs to reach the aquarium
roof exit. To pursue the assassin, climb the yellow ladder and
follow the relatively straightforward path, while executing takedowns
on enemies as necessary.
Advance forward to the white truck; you’ll automatically
man it. Steer erratically to disengage the caboose. Pursue the
green garbage truck – it’s rather difficult to lose – for
the remainder of the level.
Execute a stealth takedown on the advancing police officer.
Turn right and advance through the small street to the wooden
door. Burst through the door, attract the attention of many police
officers (without being shocked!), and immediately take cover
behind the wooden door you entered from. As the policemen advance,
execute takedowns. After eliminating the police officers, proceed
to their automobiles and enter the faraway wooden door. Take
cover behind the roadblocks and either focus aim the stun gun
to eliminate the police officers or execute takedowns in rapid
succession. In the small alcove, climb the stack of boxes and
the ladder to emerge on a roof. Climb over barriers, jump across
rooftops and streets, and takedown police officers whenever necessary
until you come to seemingly a dead end, manned by a police officer.
You’ll view a cable connecting the streets – climb
across it. When you drop to ground level and eliminate another
police officer, you’ll come to seemingly another dead end – open
the well-camouflaged wooden doors across from the roadblocks
to emerge in a new area. Enter the red doors to trigger a cinematic.
Eliminate the two guards and advance down
the path toward a courtyard. You’ll soon emerge in
a large area where you prepare for another long battle.
Hide behind a pillar in the short corridor and eliminate
enemies. When matters have quieted, advance toward the
middle of the courtyard and turn rearward to view a small
alley – enemies will emerge; return to your original
position. Eliminate new enemies and return to where new
enemies emerged – enter the newly opened doors to
find yourself in an empty store. Fight to the exit, northwest
of the entrance.
After exiting, enter the wooden double
doors directly in front and enter the small corridor, rightward
of your position. Follow the path until you come to seemingly
a dead end – enter the “Rak’s Boat Repairs” shop
and use the switch, which opens a gate directly to your
left as you exit the shack.
Follow the straightforward
path to another seemingly dead end, before which is a wooden
door to be kicked open. You’ll soon find yourself
in a large room with crates – hide behind suitable
cover and eliminate enemies. The exit is directly across
the room. After exiting the room, follow the straightforward
path to chase Rak in order to end the level. |
"James Bond 007:
Blood Stone" campaign
players guide by 'Matt' for MI6. All rights reserved. The players
guide is for personal use only and may not be republished without
prior permission. MI6 can not be held responsible for any errors
or omissions from the campaign mission walk through or gameplay