3. Carver Media, Hamburg

Destroy the central computer
Rendezvous with Paris
Cut the power

Destroy the central computer

Run down the stairs and kill the guy standing at the bottom. There are two other guys in the next room, so kill them and pick up the Door Remote between the two shelves. Head through the door and kill the two guys through the glass. Inside the room surrounded in glass is the central computer, so destroy it.

Rendezvous with Paris

Go around the glass room and head through the door at the end of the hall. Kill the guard inside and pick up the ammo and Elevator Card. Return to the elevator near the glass room and take it to the next floor. There are three guys in this next room, one in the right, left, and center. Use the walls for cover and take them out. Collect all of the ammo and health in the room and head towards the doorway. Kill the guard on the right of the first doorway and continue down the hall to meet Paris.

Cut the power

You get knocked out and put in a prison; so the first thing to do is get out. Stand next to the mirror and use the Cufflinks to break it. Pick up the pistol on the table and shoot the guard, along with the other two that enter soon after. Behind the table is the power control. Shoot it to shut it down.


Head out into the hall and kill the guy in the glass room. There's another guard in front of the door on the other side. Head inside the room near the entrance and kill the three guards; a fourth and final guard comes down from the stairs and attacks you, so take him out too. Run up the stairs to finish.

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"Tomorrow Never Dies" walkthrough written by Matthew Haensly copyright © 2005. Used with permission. The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Electronic Arts, MGM Interactive, MGM Film Company, or any member of the "Tomorrow Never Dies" development team.