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On this day in Bond history, the first unit began shooting 'Octopussy' on location in Berlin, Germany
The first unit opened its "Octopussy" account on Tuesday 10th August 1982 at the famous Cold War landmark Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, Germany.
In a rare turn, upon his return from India, 007 meets with M in the field just before the third act. M verifies the Octopussy circus was in East Berlin when 009 was killed and gives Bond the go ahead to follow the lead to Karl Marxstadt and go over the Berlin wall at Checkpoint Charlie under a salesman cover to 'visit furniture factories'.
The scene where M briefs 007 in the car was the first shot captured in principal photography. Robert Brown was the new M, replacing Sir Miles Messervy played by Bernard Lee who had died shortly before he was due to film "For Your Eyes Only". Roger Moore recommended Brown for the part as the two had worked together 20 years previously on Ivanhoe. Brown had previous appeared as Admiral Hargreaves in "The Spy Who Loved Me".