MI6 has a preview of the sniper level and a look
at pre-production artwork in a special concept video
from the forthcoming James Bond videogame...
FRWL - Sniper Mission & Concept Art
25th October 2005
Sniper Mission Preview
As part of their "Directors Cut" ethos, EA will be breathing
new life into the classic movie scenes from the 1963 film "From
Russia With Love" for their latest 007 videogame.
Movie Scene
A night after the gypsy camp fight, James Bond heads off with Kerim
Bey to settle the score with Krilencu. They track him to a room
in a hotel behind a giant facade advertising the Bob Hope / Anita
Ekberg movie "Call Me Bwana". Bey uses Bond's folding
sniper's rifle to shoot Krilencu through the window of his room
which is conveniently placed in Ekberg's mouth!
The videogame mission will be expanded with 007 in action against
goons scattered throughout the streets and terraces.
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Mission video footage shown is actual in-game
graphics. Video courtesy EA Games.