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XBLA GoldenEye

30th January 2021

A complete playthrough of the unreleased GoldenEye remake is out

MI6 logo By MI6 Staff
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The ill-fated Microsoft project to remaster the N64 classic 007 GoldenEye for their Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) platform back in 2007 may be about to come back from the dead.

Although a dispute over rights issues blocked the HD version from being released in 2008, leaks from the game followed, including a 30-minute gameplay video. In 2015, Rare then tried to bring the project back to life with their 30th-anniversary collection Rare Replay. That did not work out, either.

Yesterday, a prominent GoldenEye streamer released a two-hour video featuring a complete playthrough of the XBLA version of the game and also some multiplayer footage.

It is rumoured that this XBLA version will be released sometime in 2021, although the nature of how that comes about remains a mystery.

Meanwhile, IO Interactive has been officially licenced to create the next James Bond videogame, currently under the working title of 'Project 007.'

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